Tribute to Father David L. Reddy O.F.M. - K2BUI, CE0AE
January 2, 1924 - 1985

Father Dave was the ham to contact if you wanted Easter Island. Even to this date, 25 years after his death, all you have to do is mention the name, "Father Dave" to anyone licensed in the 1970's, 1980's, and they will know you are talking about CE0AE.

Bob Ballantine W8SU did a lot of research and came up with a great tribute to a great man and well known ham.

Here are a few more photos!

Here is the memorial plaque on Father Dave's grave site, Easter Island.


Tribute courtesy of W8SU
1st QSL courtesy of I4ZSQ
2nd QSL from the estate of W5INU
Photo courtesy of
Memorial plaque photo courtesy of the Easter Island Foundation
PO Box 6774, Los Osos, Ca 93412

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