David C. Packard - K1RZW
October 2, 1917 - April 28, 1994
David C. Packard was a government employee that worked for the U.S. embassy in several countries. He held callsigns K1RZW, YN1TAT, KZ5DP, TI2TAT, HK0HCA, HR0DP, XV5CQ.
Here is a short story about David
Packard in Vietnam by K8MFO:
David Packard had the "gift for gab" and claimed that
he had "verbal permission" to use XV5CQ on the ham
bands. He used to make the cocktail party rounds with the
Vietnamese officials. This is probably how he got his verbal
permission. This was around 1969 when Vietnam was on the banned
country list. Military personal in Vietnam were not allowed on
the ham bands at this time. He did have a lot of guts. He
installed a 4 element quad on top of an apartment building in the
same general area where I was stationed. In fact I was there for
the antenna raising. It was a real comedy of errors with the
language differences between David and the Vietnamese antenna
crew. I was invited over to David's apartment a few times and
used that XV5CQ call on CW only. David operated SSB only, but he
did have one of those old Waters CODAX keyers, the same kind that
Don Miller used on his DXpeditions! There were other
"operations" on the air from this region at this time
as well! Mr. Packard did get into trouble over ownership of some
radio equipment. He was then sent to a South American location.
Last I heard David had suffered a bad stroke. He bacame a SK in
April 1994.
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