Tribute to David Lee Edney WA3KLG, K3MMM
June 16, 1949 - February 7, 2013

Obituary from "The (Sharon) Herald":

David Lee Edney of Mercer-West Middlesex Road, Lackawannock Township, passed away at 7:30 p.m. Thursday (2-7-13) in Grove City Medical Center, Pine Township. He was 63.

Mr. Edney was born June 16, 1949, in Sharon to John Homer Edney and Mae Elizabeth Hake Edney.

He was employed for 32 years with Wheatland Tube Co., then worked for seven years as a bus driver with Student Transportation of America.

David was of the Protestant faith and was a ham radio operator. He belonged to the National Rifle Association.

His wife, the former Bonnie Gill Grandy, whom he married July 10, 1972, survives at the residence.

Also surviving are two sons, Doug Edney, Mercer; and David Lee Edney Jr. and his wife Jessi, New Castle; a sister, Janet Cox and her husband Troy, Springfield, Tenn.; and a stepgranddaughter, Ava Marie.

He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers, Ralph and William Edney.

Davey hardly ever missed a hamfest within a couple hundred miles. He could seek out a bargain from afar. He collected the older radios (boat anchors) and knew all the circuits, tube lineup, and how to repair them. You could mention an old model and he would tell you all about it.

I went to my 1st hamfest, Warren (Ohio) Hamfest at the Community Center in Newton Falls, with Davey WA3KLG, Bob Bell K3SAN sk, Drew Kelley W8GFG sk, in 1965. I was 14, Davey was 15 years old. Bob drove his Cadillac, must have just got his drivers license. Drew was a laugh a minute! I can still remember the fun we had on that trip. Davey and I would still talk about that trip at least once a year (including last year at Warren, August 2012). The 4 of us did several Field Days together. We picked up "just licensed" Tim WN3SZX (now K3LR) one year and included him in on our FD fun. Davey brought Tim the Novice station to use, including his 75A4. I did 6M with Davey one year at FD in a milk house at an old farm in Transfer, PA. My 6M transmitter went into meltdown mode. We both had to run out of the milk house that became filled with smoke. I lost that transmitter but it was a good laugh. We have been good friends for around 48 years! You will be missed ol friend... K8CX

Letter recieved from Davey's sister, Janet Cox, June 1, 2013:
Mr. Roscoe, I saw your tribute on to my brother, Dave Edney. I just wanted to say "thank you" for sharing and for remembering my brother. As my own tribute to him, I started studying for my Tech ham license and passed the test this past Saturday. I took the general, but missed passing it by 3. Don't know if I will ever have a "shack" - just wanted to do something. Thank you again.
Janet Edney Cox KK4RKE
Dave would be proud of you Janet! Find a rig and get on the air, you will love it! K8CX


Field Day June 24, 1973, Transfer, PA.
Top: WA8KCX (now K8CX), K3SAN sk, WA8LAR, WA8HJU (now AG8X).
Bottom: W8GFG sk, WN3SZX (now K3LR), WA3KLG ( K3MMM) sk.


Davey WA3KLG and son Dave
Dayton Hamvention 1997


Breezeshooters Hamfest, Butler, Pennsylvania 2006


Breezeshooters Hamfest, Butler, Pennsylvania 2006


2009 (WARA) Warren Amateur Radio Association Hamfest
Trumbull County Ohio Fair Grounds


2011 WARA Hamfest
Trumbull Co. Ohio Fair Grounds


2012 Warren Amateur Radio Association Hamfest
Trumbull County Fair Grounds, Bazetta, Ohio
August 19, 2012


2012 Warren Amateur Radio Association Hamfest
Trumbull County Fair Grounds, Bazetta, Ohio
August 19, 2012


Tireroid Coil that Davey brought to the Butler, PA. Breezeshooters Hamfest


Obituary from "The Herald"
Photos and tribute K8CX
Letter courtesy of KK4RKE
Tireroid photos courtesy of AC8KW

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