Tribute to Dennis R.
Motschenbacher - K7BV
January 28, 1948 - January 9, 2025
Dennis was from Turkey, NC and had been in hospice fighting a long battle with cancer, he was 76. He was first licensed in 1962. Dennis was a Vietnam Veteran serving as a radioman. K7BV was a DXer, Contester and DXpeditioner. Dennis had 331/334 (current/total) countries confirmed in the ARRL DXCC Mixed standings. He participated in the 2000 WRTC in Slovenia and was a referee in the 2002 WRTC in Finland and was a former editor of the National Contest Journal. K7BV participated in many DXpeditions including 4W, CY9, HK0/S, KH5, KP5, OJ0, PY0F, T8 and V6 just to name a few! He was a life member of the ARRL, past President of the Texas DX Society, and a member of the Carolina DX Association. Dennis worked as the ARRL's Sales and Marketing Manager and then as the Executive Vice President for Yaesu's Amateur Radio Sales Division.
Dennis was a good friend. I always enjoyed talking to him at the Dayton Hamvention. He had many good stories from his many ham radio adventures. When he was editor of NCJ magazine, he approached me and asked if I could send him several photos that I took at the hamvention. He would do a "Hamvention" spread with them in the NCJ. We did this for several years. Dennis had many friends and will be missed. K8CX
Taken from Dennis' page!
I moved to Turkey, NC (FM04xv) in April 2012. I love this farming area location that is fantastic for DXing on HF bands & 6m.
My current amateur radio obsession-of-choice is chasing DX 160 - 6 meters. I have a good but modest antenna system on 6 acres including three towers, a beverage or two running through the neighbor's woods.
Licensed in 1962, my richest childhood dreams centered on visiting exotic places far away and running pileups for days. I spent hours and hours listening to Don W9WNV, Gus W4BPD, Martti OH2BH and many others work their piles; all the time dreaming of one day sounding like a smooth running machine myself. I still carry that dream in my heart every day. Two tours of combat duty in Vietnam as a Radioman only served to fuel my desire to operate in far away places.
A partial list of my previous calls includes WA6WTD WB8FUO WB5QWX KA5CHW N5DKG KZ5M AA7VB JF1XFR. DXpedition experience: 4W, 8P, C6, CT3, CY9, DL G, HI, HS, HK0/s, JA, J6, KH2, KH6, KL7, KP2, KP4, KP5, KP6, OH, OH0, OJ0, P4, PY0F, S5, SV9, T8, TG, TI, V2, V3, V4, V6, VE, VK, VP2E, VP5, VP9, VY1, XE, YB, YV.
My travels have also taken me to the following places where I was not able to get on the air for a variety of reasons: 3W 9V BV CN CT DU FG FM FS HH HK HP KH3 PJ7 PY V7 VR.
Pileups of great ops that allow me to run high-rate CW and Phone are my lifeblood. I have been lucky enough to gather some contest certificates and plaques which occupy proud space on my wall including, happily, a number of Top Ten finishes in domestic and international contests. In July 2000, I proudly represented the USA and the Society of Midwest Contesters as Ralph K9ZO's teammate in Slovenia at WRTC 2000. I was honored to serve as Ambassador-at-Large and as a Referee for WRTC 2002 in Finland.
I am an ARRL Life, Legacy, and, Diamond Club member, past President of the Texas DX Society, and served as Editor of the National Contest Journal for a number of years. After several years in the fire protection systems business, I sold my partnership and joined the ARRLin 2002 as Sales and Marketing Manager. I joined Yaesu September 2006 eventually becoming Senior Executive Vice President for North America Sales. Retired from Yaesu in December 2019.
Some old age kinks have slowed me down. A lower jaw removal and reconstruction made from bone, etc. removed from my two legs has pretty much taken away my voice and swallowing but my heart is still strong to operate as often as I can.
There are many many operators more talented than I will ever be...BUT few who love the hobby more than I do!
Dayton Hamvention 1999
Past editors of NCJ magazine
Taken at the Contest Dinner
Dennis is in the front row with the plaid shirt.
Dayton Hamvention 2000
2000 WRTC in Slovenia
BACK - Left to right : YL2KL,
N2AA, AI6V, P34P
FRONT - Left to right: K9ZO, W6OAT, K7BV, K7BV's XYL, W2GD's XYL,
Dayton Hamvention 2001
Dayton Hamvention 2002
Dayton Hamvention 2003
Dayton Hamvention 2006
Dayton Hamvention 2009
Dayton Hamvention 2010
Dayton Hamvention 2011
Dayton Hamvention 2015
Dayton Hamvention 2016
OJ0/K7BV 1999 DXpedition to Market Reef
4W/K7BV 2000 DXpedition to East Timor
Listen to 4W/K7BV on 10 Meter CW!
PV0F 2001 Fernando de Noronha
VP5/K7BV 2004 Turks and Caicos
are many, many operators more talented than I will ever be
BUT few
who love the hobby more than I do!
Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV
See a Youtube interview with K7BV by K3LR.
Tribute, Dayton photos, sound
clip, 4W/K7BV QSL card courtesy of K8CX
SK Info courtesy of W3UR
2000 Slovenia photo courtesy of P43P
OJ0/K7BV QSL Card from the estate of W8KVU
VP5/K7BV QSL Card from K7BV Homepage
PV0F QSL Card courtesy of DL9WVM
Youtube interview courtesy of K3LR from DX Engineering
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