Tribute to Zane Grey KNT
1872 - 1939

Zane Grey, origional name Pearl Grey from Zanesville, Ohio, was a famous Western novel writer, writing over 60 books. He also was a schooner fisherman with the callsign KNT.

Karl Eugene Zint, 6BSU, 6ZCB and 6ATT, operator of Zane Grey's Schooner-yacht "Fisherman" became a Silent Key in 1978. He was not listed in the 1930-31 callbooks. He worked in the film industry for fifteen years as a sound mixer or recording engineer. In 1945 he was appointed vice-president of Western Electric Company of Mexico.

Please read the tribute to Zane Grey by Bob Ballantine W8SU.

Karl E. Zint, operator of KNT, home call was 6BSU in 1920.

Tribute courtesy of W8SU
Info on Zint courtesy of W5KNE


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