Wieslaw "Wes" Wysocki - SP2DX
Used or owned the following callsigns:
July 12, 1932 - June 15, 2014

Wieslaw "Wes" Wysocki, SP2DX, of Sopot, Poland, died unexpectedly on June 15. He was 82. Wysocki was an honorary member of the PZK, Poland's International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society. For 10 years he served as IARU Region 1 Liaison Officer for the PZK, attending many Region 1 meetings and conferences. He also was the oldest living founder of the Old Timers Club of the PZK and served for many years as vice president.

Wes got into Amateur Radio in the mid 1940's. "He was very involved in the growth and development of Amateur Radio in Poland," said OTC President Ryszard Czerwinski, SP2IW, who called Wes "a seasoned CW operator" and avid contester. He said Wes helped to revive the PZK in 1956, after years of inactivity during the Stalin era.

First QSO 14 Sept. 1948 as SP8XA. For 30 years exclusively on VHF meteor scatter, aurora, tropo DX, satellites. Profession: electronics & telecommunications engineer; mostly in microwaves, low-noise reception, semiconductor microwave generators. Great interest in antennas. QRV 160-10M CW & SSB. Currently trying to achieve DXCC on 50 MHz (the tenth band)

According to SP2IW, Wes had 330 DXCC entities confirmed, operating with 100W and wire antennas. "We remember him as a knowledgeable and friendly colleague," SP2IW said. "Wes was an icon and an example to follow for future generations of Amateur Radio enthusiasts."

His home was in Sopot, halfway between Gdan'sk and Gdynia.Wes lived at the address in Gdan'sk since aprox. 1955. Sopot was known as Zoppot in the years between the end of WW1 and WW2, it belonged to the Free Territory of Danzig which was under the auspices of a League of Nations High Commissioner until 1939.

Wes helped out with HamGallery.com and sent QSL cards for my collection and the website. If you go to my QSL Museum page at http://hamgallery.com/qsl/ and type SP2DX into the search engine located near the top of that page, hit return, you will see all the cards Wes donated to HamGallery.


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