Tribute to James Russell Patterson W4MWL
1935 - 1998

James was a retiree from the USCG Master Chief Radioman. I met Pat in 1959 of all places Alaska! Yes, Pat came aboard ship for additional morse code assignments. I remember his baritone voice very well. He didn't do too well on his assignments and I advised him he might look into another career field. Many years pass and Pat reminded me about my comments. He not only made Chief Radioman but went beyond to Master Chief. He spent most of his time on the east coast. We had many late night conversations about life before he passed on with cancer. He was a believer and lodge member F&AM with many affiliations. I (W8SU) was not always correct with his assessments!  Pictured the CRM emblem and picture of the small radio room where Pat and I pounded out the Morse code those many years ago in Alaska!
RIP dear OM






Tribute courtesy of W8SU

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