Tribute to Floyd Arthur Rice W5MAQ
1918 - 2010

Art made contacts all over the world, and was said to be one of the fastest CW men in the States. He was much put out when the new operators preferred to using the mike instead of code.

I belived Art started sending CW as a teenager, but I have only four of his log books, dating from 1940 to 2003, with large gaps in the later years. Art liked to chat with the hams he met on the bands.

During WWII Art taught morse code to military classes. He was also a member of the QCWA.

For a bit of humor: When Art was hospitalized toward the end days, he had a tube down his throat which prevented him from talking. His first reaction was to start tapping out a message to us, forgetting that we could not read morse code. Of course, he quickly realized his mistake, and that he could communicate by writing, but it was amusing to see how automatically he had turned to code.

Tribute, photos, QSL card courtesy of his wife, Katherine Rice