Tribute to David L. Bell - W8GUE, W6BVN, W6AQ

Dave is a TV / film producer, Emmy winner, speaker, MC, DXer, and contester. He is currently semi retired and living in Hollywood with his wife Alice W6QLT.

Please read his tribute by W8SU!

Also see photos of Dave at Dayton:
Dayton 2002 - 9V1YC, W6AQ, OH2BH
Dayton 2002 - 9V1YC, W6AQ, OH2BH
Dayton 2004: N4KZ, W6AQ
Dayton 2007: WA6ITF, K9EID, W6AQ


QSL from the estate of HS1ALF
Tribute courtesy of W8SU


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