Tribute to Victor DeLancy Gettys 8AWX, W8EJ
1899 - 1938

Vic was an engineer for Youngstown, Ohio police radio. Vic was credited in designing and installing the police radio system in Youngstown.

Please read his tribute by W8SU!


W8EJ 1935 Youngstown, OH.


A young Vic Gettys W8EJ photo taken at Hiram High School circa 1920.

Vic lost his life at YPD Radio at the old Station Number 8 firehall installing a radio antenna on their tower. Note he has written on top of his QSL card the exact station location, "Fire Hall Number 8 second floor police radio WPDG".


Fire hall 8, YPD radio section WPDG had its offices in the 1930's on the second floor. In the 1990's, around the 100th anniversary, austerity hit and Number 8 was abandoned. YFD foto.




Paper clippings from the Police Officers APCO monthly bulletin
Tribute & QSL courtesy of W8SU
Photo courtesy of Youngstown Fire Department

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