Tribute to Jake Schott W8FGX, W8DZ
1915 - 1970

Read the tribute by W8SU

Here are some QSL cards from some of Jake's DXpeditions:

KC4AF 1958 Navassa Island

Frank Koval W8RSW, Jake Schott W8FGX

Jake Schott W8FGX on the 10th day of the Navassa operation.

KH0AB 1962 Bajo Nuevo

KS4BF 1962 Serrana Bank

CE0XA 1965 San Felix Island
1st operation from San Felix.


Article from November 29, 1970


Tribute + Obituary courtesy of W8SU
Photos courtesy of W4QM
KC4AF QSL courtesy of K3GW
HK0AB QSL from the estate of W1EOA
KS4BF QSL from the estate of W3EVW
CE0XA QSL courtesy of W5TEP
Obituary & article from the Cincinnati Enquirer