Tribute to Dana Marvin (Bud) Bailey III - W8FZJ
1915 - 1977

Bud was a B&O railroad traffic control telegrapher from Newton Falls, Ohio.

Please read his tribute by W8SU!


A young Bud W8FZJ in the Newton Falls school system.


Bud Bailey W8FZJ 1932 Newton Falls, Ohio


W8FZJ 1946


Newton Falls, OH train wreck, March 29, 2011


The train wreck destroyed the station.
W8FZJ Bud Bailey's old post - in later years B&O became CSX.
The derailment consisted of 99 cars.


Here is an old postard of the B&O station.
Buds station on the second floor by the (FN) telegraph ID sign. The view of the tracks was outstanding.

1st QSL from the estate of W3CJF
2nd QSL, Photos, Tribute courtesy of W8SU

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