Tribute to Mike Serotko W8MTC
Oct. 11, 1914 - Feb. 20, 2010

Mike was a very good friend and was a radioman in the Navy that deserves a tribute.

Please read his 2009 tribute by W8SU!

Please read his 2010 tribute by W8SU!


W8MTC 1935 Newton Falls, Ohio


W8MTC 1952 USNR QSL Card


W8MTC 1960 Hamshack photo


Taken in 1995 by W8SU, in the early days Mike operated from the garage area, but in later years had his station on the closed in front porch area.
The Mahoning River is behind him and he left he always had a radio advantage because of it.


Mike on duty copying Navy Fox on the mill, aprox. 1950


W8MTC took this photo of Mapelo circa 1950, it made DX Bulletin front page that Don Chesser W4KVX published.
Look how hot is is, no air conditioning on the old school vessels.


Out of the Tribune Chronicle circa 1949, Warren, Ohio
It was after WW2 because Mike was in the reserves for several years after the big war. Thats Mike in the middle using the straight key!

W8MTC's CD Patch


Final resting place of Mike W8MTC, Newton Falls, Ohio


1st QSL K8CX Collection
2nd QSL courtesy W3SJL, W8SU
3rd QSL courtesy of W8SU
Tributes, Photos, newspaper article, CD patch courtesy of W8SU

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