1938 Debut of AM Radio Station WPIC Sharon, PA

What it says under that picture is roughly, WPIC was dedicated to the district today at 11:00 AM, October 1938. At the microphone is John Fahnline Jr. President and General Manager of the Sharon Herald Broadcasting Company. With him at the mic is John MacDonald chief announcer (W8MUM) and sitting are Paul Gamble, Program Director and George Heiges Secretary-Treasurer. (his brother Al W3AH was also part of the original group). W8MUM left in the early 40's and was working for the old Blue Network in New York.

Charlie Ring W3NU told me that John MacDonald came to the 50th anniversary in 1988. He would be well into his 90's by now. All the WPIC news was done as a remote from the Herald in the early days. It was done by Herald reporters, one of whom was Joe Shatto, who was K3LR Tim Duffy's grandfather.

Photo and Info courtesy of W8CXO


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