An attempt to activate Malpelo Island in May 1960 failed due to high seas and no landing location on the island. The team of HK3LX, HK5BZ, HK5EV, W4CVI, W9DUB, and W6HAW had permission from the Columbian government, transportation by the Columbian navy, and a callsign of HKTU, later modified to HK0TU. The seas were 15 to 18 feet high, which made the approach to the outcropping of rock impossible. At conciderable risk, some of the crew and one generator did manage to get on the rock. Further operations were impossible due to the high seas and the DXpedition was aborted. The team turned back to Columbia and arrived home on May 17, 1960.


Malpelo Island was not a DXCC entity at this time but if the team succeeded, it would have became one.
The team did manage to operate maritime mobile from their ship "Ciudad".


On April 1961, a second attempt of 18 men with 9 operators successfully landed and operated on the island which became a new DXCC entity.
Three of the operators were from the origional 1960 team, HK3LX, HK5EV, and W6HAW.

Photos & Info from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #97, May 27, 1960
HK0TU/MM QSL from the estate of W8JIN
HK0TU 1961 QSL from the estate of W6MVL / K6RQ