Tim K3LR and Amy N8AMY (taking photo) visit the shack of Tom K8CX on June 24, 2022.
Tim and Tom celebrating 50 years of friendship on this date!
This is the W8GFG Field Day Crew
June 24, 1972
Rutledge Road, Transfer, PA.
Back Left: Tom Roscoe WA8KCX (K8CX), Bob Bell K3SAN sk, Ed WA8LAR, John Kukura WA8HJU (AG8X).
Front Left: Drew Kelley W8GFG sk, Tim Duffy WN3SZX (K3LR), Dave Edney WA3KLG (K3MMM) sk.
This tight circle of friends ran Field Day on Rutledge Road in Transfer, PA. most of the 70's.
Tim WN3SZX (K3LR) was invited to join this FD group to run the novice station.
Some of the crew have become silent keys and the rest have moved away but K3LR & K8CX have been very good friends since.