Funny Story about Bob Turk W6LEE, W7LEE

One that I was told by several of the SK OT's is the story of W6LEE, Bob Turk. Bob set up a station in the 1930's on his brother's ranch in Compton. In those years Compton was sparsely developed. Bob had a radio shack and a typical home brew amplifier with open wire feeders leading to the outside of the shack. One night he was playing radio with some of his buddies, (the bar was open), when they heard a loud "BANG" outside. When they stepped out to investigate, they discovered a horse had come too close and made contact with the feeders. Bob had no blocking capacitor in his amplifier, so full B+ appeared on the feeders. The horse was dead. Bob was afraid his brother would be VERY angry.

In the middle of the night these guys, four sheets to the wind, found some shovels and dug a big hole next to the horse. Finally, they managed to shove the horse over into the hole, but since the hole wasn't quite deep enough, the legs were sticking out, straight up. They found a saw....... and the rest is history. I first heard this from W6UCX / WK6E (SK), one of the charter members of the Southern CA DX Club.

Another story and photos of Bob Turk can be found here!

Story courtesy of W6YA
Link courtesy of W5KNE

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