Nomination for CQ DX Hall of Fame (2012)

Donald Chesser – W4KVX

It is with profound pleasure that the East Lansing DX Club and Northern Ohio DX Association jointly nominate Don Chesser – W4KVX for the CQ DX Hall of Fame. This is an attempt to correct a glaring omission to this prestigious body.

One of the criteria mentioned for membership in the CQ DX Hall of Fame is "above and beyond the call of duty." We plan to cite several examples of that, and to talk about characteristics such as "living, breathing, and sharing DX", "leadership", "establishing a standard", and "devotion to DX and radio in general". This special man exemplified all of those qualities. We will bring into play testimonials from those who knew him best, including a present member of the DX Hall of Fame, and another who worked side by side on one of Chesser’s brightest accomplishments, DX Magazine.

A little background is in order. Don was born on January 7, 1917 and became a silent key on June 16, 1985. He was originally licensed in 1932 as W8KVX in Byesville, Ohio. After graduating from high school in 1935, he spent time in the U.S. Coast Guard. Later he worked for commercial airlines in and around Cincinnati, Ohio, eventually settling across the river in the small town of Burlington, Kentucky. Here Don ran a radio and TV repair shop, and where his most notable DX related accomplishments took place.

There can be no question that Don was an incredible CW operator. Some of his "on the air" accomplishments include #1 USA finishes in the 1954 and 1956 ARRL CW Sweepstakes, part of a #1 USA finish in the CQWW CW DX Contest multi-single category, and an outright win in the 1956 CQWW CW DX Contest as single operator. Don had a "hot hand" in 1956, winning both CW SS and CQWW CW Single Operator #1 positions. How often do you see that? For one thing, Kentucky is not the ideal location to accomplish either of those feats, and Don had one yagi, supplemented with a wire antenna or two.

Let’s talk about Don Chesser, the "DXpedition organizer". His credits include VP5BH – Cayman Islands in 1957, KC4AF – Navassa in 1958, KS4BB – Serrana Bank in 1959, and he was on hand to open up 4U1ITU - Geneva in 1962. With the exception of 4U1ITU, none of these were easy operations. Let’s take KC4AF as an example, which started out as a quest to activate XF4 – Revillagigedo, which ran into political problems on the eve of the operation. "On the fly", Don was instrumental in switching the group’s sights, and they headed southeast instead of southwest, concluding with a very successful operation from Navassa.

To quote CQ DX Hall of Fame member, Dale Strieter – W4QM:

"I spent a week with Don Chesser in Burlington, getting things ready for the trip. I was amazed with how Don could sit down at a manual typewriter, with two sheets of paper and carbon in between, and put his thoughts down in such a clear fashion for DX Magazine. He was an amazing typist and writer. Also, as a DXpeditioner, he’s the kind of guy you want to be on your team. He was a calming influence, but also a guy who let very few things stand in his way when he wanted to accomplish something. His operating was SUPERB in the toughest of circumstances. Don Chesser was one great guy, in many ways."

Likewise, there was nothing easy about activating VP5BH or KS4BB – Serrana Bank. The latter "is as it sounds", a small sandy island, which requires that you bring everything that you need. Chesser, as a main organizer, made sure that nothing was forgotten.

The opening of 4U1ITU is a great story in itself. Don was asked to accompany some of the executives from Hallicrafters, who had supplied gear, to the grand opening of this new DXCC entity. Don’s assignment was "CW, what else." This was somewhat complicated by the fact that his Vibroplex bug had been broken in transit to Geneva. So, until a local Swiss ham found a WWII Lionel bug to use, Don carried on with a straight key. Funny thing about that, as most people did not even realize he was using a hand key. Don’s precision CW and operating technique made this a first class operation, no matter what he was using as a key.

Let’s move on to what is possibly Don’ greatest accomplishment, the editing and publishing of DX Magazine, which began with issue #1 as a postcard notification about an upcoming DXpedition to Navassa. That issue was mailed on June 4, 1957, and Don continued this publication through issue #213 on February 29, 1964. Don "lived and breathed" 24/7 with his involvement in this high class publication, which many still consider the STANDARD for all DX bulletins. What made it so good was that it came from a skilled operator who knew DX inside and out, from an operator and DXpedition organizer’s perspective, and who possessed world class writing abilities. He made those pages come "alive" with his stories, that were complete with background and perspective on all aspects of what was happening in the world of DX. His subscribers could hardly wait until the next issue arrived in their mailboxes. Remember – these were the days before computers, packet, alerting networks, skimmers, clusters, and the like. Don would have information mailed to him, but he also "kept watch" on 14001 and 7001 Kc, getting "live info" as it happened.

It should also be mentioned that Don did a stint as the DX column editor for CQ Magazine during this time period. It’s the recurring story – you choose one of the busiest and most skilled people you know when you want to get something done!

To quote Don Havlicek – N8DE (formerly W8QHW), an assistant editor of DX Magazine:

"Don Chesser, W4KVX, was the epitome of a DXer when the number of intently DX chasing operators was limited to those with big stations  with big antennas, big amplifiers, and tremendous amounts of free time.
Working with Don at DX Magazine, I learned how much he loved the spirit of the chase and the feelings of accomplishment working DX with skill and patience. DX Magazine was his method of expressing his desire to share his experience, knowledge, and love for the 'game' to others.

When he was writing the DX column in CQ magazine, he exhibited all those traits to a broad variety of hams who read the magazine.  When he decided to produce his own version of a DX tome ... beginning with a simple postcard to members of the Ohio Valley Amateur Radio Association, and continuing with a weekly bulletin that was airmailed to subscribers in countries across the globe.

His writings were superbly composed and very informative, as all would attest. His ability to organize, captain, and lead DXpeditions was demonstrated with KC4AF (Navassa), KS4BB (Serrana Bank), 4U1ITU (ITU-Geneva), and even the frustrating first trip to Malpelo (1960), which resulted in a non-landing.

Don was known throughout the DX world for his operating ability, having worked, at the time when I joined DX Magazine, ALL the DXCC ’countries’ that existed up to that time.

As a 'boss', he was a joy to work with, as he made deadlines that were easy to meet, and the quality of his output was unmistakably superior to anything else in the field.  He expected those who worked with him to exceed his expectations, and, with his guidance, that was easily  obtainable!

As a contester ... let's just say, Don had a pre-computer system second to none! Prior to a contest, he would take 3x5 file cards and number them from 1-1000 or more.  Then, as he made contacts in the contest, he would  date/time stamp those cards, write the callsign of the station worked  at the top of the card, the contest data below, and file them alphabetically as the contest progressed.  A simple riffle with his  left hand would allow him to determine if a station was a 'dupe' and/or if it had been worked on a specific band. One SS contest, he won for KY and USA despite sleeping almost 8 hours  during prime contest hours!

His ability with a bug was undeniably superb. Don ranks among the top amateurs in the DX world and will always be  there in the hearts and minds of those who truly love DX."

In the early 1960s Don endured a major fire that destroyed a good portion of his QSLs, equipment, and other radio related materials. He re-built DX Magazine on the same site, still providing the same quality publication. Eventually, it was time to stop the presses. In later years Don worked for the Cincinnati Police Department, along with his DXpedition pal Jake Schott – W8FGX, who was the Chief of Police.

All too often we forget the contributions of true DX pioneers like Don Chesser – W4KVX. We can think of nobody more deserving for induction into the CQ DX Hall of Fame than this gifted and dedicated individual.

We are nominating a skilled DXer, who led DXpeditions to some of the rarest countries of his time, who published the premier DX bulletin of its time (arguably for ALL TIME), and who will always be held In the highest esteem by scores of DXers worldwide. Mention his name to seasoned DXers and they will remember. They will also be amazed that he is not already in the CQ DX Hall of Fame.

Sincerely submitted:

East Lansing DX Club

/s/ Don Karvonen – K8MFO, Founding Member and Chairman. Also Member NODXA

/s/ Bob Ballantine – W8SU, Lifelong DXer & Researcher - major contributor to this nomination

/s/ Tom Roscoe, - K8CX - Founder of Hamgallery, noted web source for DX History

/s /Dale Strieter – W4QM, Member of CQ DX Hall of Fame and DXpediton partner of W4KVX

/s/ Don Havlicek – N8DE, Lifelong DXer, Assistant Editor of Don Chesser’s DX Magazine

Northern Ohio DX Association (NODXA)

/s/ Tedd Mirgliotta – KB8NW, President

/s/ Dwaine Modock - K8ME, Vice President

Dear Don,
I am pleased to inform you of the successful induction of Don, W4KVX into the DX Hall of Fame.
Don, the presentation is usually made at the Dayton DX dinner. However, it can be another venue if Dayton is not convenient.
Please let me know who will accept the award for Don and where the award should be presented.
Thanks Don.
Bob, K3EST
Chairman CQ HOF

Hey Guys,
I just got the following email from Bob Cox - K3EST. WE DID IT! Can you believe it? Chesser is finally recognized for all of his contributions, and is in the 2012 Class of the CQ DX Hall of Fame!

We need to work out the presentation process ..... That can come later ... but I couldn't resist getting this news to you immediately!
73, Don K8MFO

Wow, fantastic. That is great! Don Chesser is now in the DX Hall of Fame. It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Don, you did most of the work and did the submission and should receive the plaque. The DX Dinner would be fine but that is up to you. It use to be at the Crowne but now moved to another place. Im not sure where but should be easy to find out.
Great work Don. It made my Easter weekend even better!
Tom K8CX

I compiled the data from all of you. WE as a TEAM should be very proud of our efforts. I told Bob a while ago that I was thinking about the nomination last night, and planning strategy for next year in case we were denied. Luckily we made it through on the first try. Chesser has been a silent key for 27 years, and FINALLY is getting due recognition!

Here's what I propose .... NODXA was nice enough to join the East Lansing DX Club in making the formal nomination. Neither Dale W4QM nor Don N8DE are going to be able to make it to Dayton and Bob W8SU cannot make it either. How about YOU, TEDD and I jointly accept the plaque at the DX dinner. I do not attend that function, but I will go out at the time of the presentation, and say just a FEW words --- you and TEDD could do the same. The hotel for the DX dinner is pretty close and we could share a cab to go out there. Obviously we're drinking beer long before that, so driving is not an option. The beer will make us more eloquent, I'm sure.
Dale and I spoke on the phone this afternoon.
My weekend is already better too. This was one very welcome and pleasant surprise! I'm sure that I will read all of his bulletins again when work dies down around here ... He made DX "come alive". I can also still hear him rattling his Vibroplex down on 14001, standing by for DX news. He was surely one of the best bug guys ever. When I lived in Upper Michigan he was audible a good part of the day.

WOW!!!!!!!!!! It's about time! Wish I could be there for the presentation, but, as you know, I'm going to be working in Michigan, judging rabbits, that day. Please pass my respects to all who attend the presentation.
Little Don

View the W4KVX Hall of Fame Plaque here!


Nomination compiled by K8MFO
With help from W8SU, K8CX, W4QM, N8DE, KB8NW, K8ME