5 Meter Radio Association Membership Card
Signed by Frank Lester W2AMJ President

5 Meters, 56 Mhz, was used in the USA in the 1930's.

On New Year's Day, 1939; the famous "round-the-world round-the-clock*' message from Grover Whalen, president of the New York World's Fair 1939, was put out on five meters, every hour, on the hour for twenty-four hours. Within a short time after the first message was sent, a con* gratulatory reply was received from a Llama priest in far-off Tibet, The original message was recorded under the personal direction of Harvey Simpson, president of Harvey Radio Corporation, with equipment loaned by him. This equipment, nearly as good as new, is presently in the archives of W4DKJ. "

QSL NL7XM Collection
Info courtesy of G4UZN