1B9WNV Blenheim Reef

A 1967 Don Miller W9WNV DXPedition

This was an "early" card sent to sponsors of the DXpedition.

QSO's for the (now deleted) DXCC entity of Blenheim Reef count from 1967-05-04 until 1975-06-30.
1B9WNV was QRV in January, 1967, so it never counted for Blenheim Reef. Also, the island (if it can be called that) counted as Chagos at that time, but 1B9WNV didn't count for anything. The prefix appears to be made up. I don't think that call would have been issued by the relevant authorities.

QSL courtesy of OE1HGW
Info courtesy of 5B4AHJ