YA1AM 1957 Afghanistan
Operator: Armin Henry "Hank" Meyer, W3ACE SK
Former US Ambassador Armin Henry "Hank" Meyer, W3ACE, died August 13, 2006 following a long illness. He was 92. An ARRL Life Member, Meyer, an expert on the Middle East, served as US ambassador to Lebanon in the Kennedy Administration after postings in Iraq and Afghanistan. He later was the US envoy to Iran and Japan. In 1972, he headed President Richard Nixon's terrorism unit following the killing of Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich. Amateur Radio went around the globe with him. He operated over the years as YI2AN, OD5AX, YA1AM, EP3AM and JH1YDR, and he especially enjoyed operating on the low bands. Meyer was a member of the National Capitol DX Association. As W3ACE, he had 325 DXCC entities confirmed (mixed and phone) and at one point achieved No 1 Honor Roll. He also earned DXCCs as OD5AX, EP3AM and JH1YDR.
Hank was the key figure to make the Japan - US reciprocal ham radio license possible.
QSL from the estate of W9LF /
Info courtesy of The ARRL Letter Vol. 25, No. 36 September 8,
Tnx to W5KNE