K7ATD 1932 Alaska

Scotch Cap Light Station - Unimak Island


The Scotch Cap Light Station was destroyed in 1946 by a 130 foot tsunami and the 5 coastguard light keepers were killed. The original light station was made out of wood but the one destroyed had been re-built out of concrete and was thirty feet above sea level. Operator C.L. Shepardson "Shep" WWEG, KCB, K7ATD was a light keeper at Scotch Cap. Shep was also a light keeper at the Sentinal Island station, card dated 1940. Shep may have been moved from Unimak Island when the tsunami hit in 1946.

When Shep left Alaska he settled in California with the callsign W6UXH.
He was born April 24, 1893 in Pattonsburg, Missouri and became a Silent Key May 14, 1974. He was buried in Trenton, Misssouri.

QSL, Lighthouse info Patrick Rigg Collection
SK info courtesy of W5KNE