ZA2AA 1948 Albania

Under cover operation! He wants a QSL to be sent to a PO Box in Switzerland.

The undercover operator is one who risks his neck to operate in a country where licensing is looked upon with disfavor or is restricted. Albania was noted to be the worst over many years. 1948 wasn't the only time ZA2AA was a thorn in the side of the faithful. Again in 1957 ZA2AA crept in and was worked on 18 May 1957 by W8BRA, W8EV and by K2GFQ on 19 May 1957 (as per Ohio Valley ARA DX Bulletin). He also added to the misery of the ZL's and VK's in 1948 by working many of those Oceania stations (Northern Cal DX Bulletin). Albania was always a closed nation, way up into 1990 when the Govt regime collapsed. Enver Hoxha, national president was a bad boy and would have anyone shot on sight with a radio transmitter and telegraph key. It was another North Korea.W8SU

QST, July 1951, p. 72, DXCC NOTES:
"Early in April we received the long-awaited proof that CZ2AC and ZA2AA were "pirates" operating from Switzerland. Similar cases have also recently been closed on PX1A and 3A1A. Deduction of credit from the totals of all DXCC men who submitted QSLs from any of these four stations was completed several weeks ago, at which time cards were sent out announcing deletions and new totals. This explains the drop in totals of some stations in this month's DXCC Honor Roll listings."

The amateur radio activity was first allowed in Albania and started only on September 15th 1991. Before that date it was no ham radio activity in ZA-land, because such an activity was not allowed.
Vy 73s,
Marenglen "Geni" Mema, ZA1B
IARU liaisson officer for AARA (Albanian Amateur Radio Association)

I believe OH2BH/ZA in 1970 by Martti Lane and a Finish team, and ZA2RPS in 1971 by Bahri DJ0UJ (TA2BK, sk 2001) and a German team were given special permission to operate. It would be interesting to know by who... K8CX

QSL G4UZN Collection
Info courtesy of W8SU, W5KNE, ZA1B, K8CX