7B4QF 1951 Andorra

Operators were "The Smugglers Of The Air", Al Hix W8PQQ, Bill Orr W6SAI, Gus SM5UM, and Mick ON4QF.

The story of this operation can found in QST.
See William I. Orr, W6SAI, FF8AC, 3A2AF, "Operation Andorra: The Story of 7B4QF," QST, October 1951, pp. 34-37.

In his article, W6SAI notes: "Almost every DX-minded ham has 'worked Andorra' a number of times--PX1A, PX2B and all their brothers and cousins. Unfortunately these stations were not located in Andorra, no matter how convincing a story they told to the gullible. Until June 23, 1951, there had been absolutely no amateur station operating in this tiny country. On that date, 1632 GCT, 7B4QF commenced operation from the town of Andorra la Vella. This is the story of how this milestone in the history of amateur radio came to pass."

QSL from the estate of W8JIN
Info courtesy of W5KNE