KB6BJ 1958 Canton Island
Richard Young was W3PZW, KS4BB
Dick Young, W3PZW was a good
friend of mine (K3ZO). He was the son of pioneer radar scientist
Leo Young, W3WV.
Dick worked for the legendary Ed Bissell, W3MSK/W3AU at NASA. He
was a big DXer/contester and a stalwart member of the PVRC. He
unfortunately died relatively young some years ago.
I don't think there was anyone who ever sent better on a bug than Dick Young ... W4KFC was in that class, as is W4YE, still active today. Lee W8WFB and Dick W3PZW were TOUGH DUDES. For many years Dick Young, even though a PVRC guy all the way, was the bartender at the North Jersey DX Association suite at Dayton! (K8MFO)
QSL courtesy of K3ZO
Comments courtesy of K3ZO, K8MFO