Balearic Islands, Europe
EA6 - EH6

CQ Zone 14, ITU Zone 37


If you have any cards from Balearic Islands that aren't listed below, please send them to K8CX for the Gallery.


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EA6/DL1GGT 2002 by DL9WVM

EA6/DL8YR/P 2000 by DL9WVM

EA6/SP4AOQ 2002 by AH6HY

EA6AM 1934 by K8CX

EA6AR 1959 by K8MFO

EA6AW 1957 by W9HK

EA6BM 1975 by R0L-123

EA6SX 2018 by K8CX

EA6VQ 2018 by K8CX

EAR248 1932 by G4UZN

EAR-47 1927 by K8CX

ED0IB King & Queen of Spain visit 1994 by K8CX


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