VP1WS 1962 British Honduras (Belize)

Operators: Hal Anderson K8NZD, Bart Rypstra W8NWO, Roger DeBusk K8LSG, Ken Ryden K8OHG, William Swan VP1WS, Bob Engel TG9AD, Dave Packard HH2P



Hal K8NZD organized the DXpedition operating one of the 3 stations setup in the garage of the Fort Hope Hotel.
Hal was also 9CFR, W9EWB, W8VED, W2OPA, HK0HCA, YN0NZ.



Bob TG9AD operating from one of the three garage stations!



Left to Right: K8NZD, HH2P, W8NWC, K8OHG.



W8NWO at the VP1WS CW station.



Bill VP1WS, whose call was used, busy on 10 meter SSB.
Bill was a commercial telegrapher and possibly his first time on SSB!



Back: Left to Right: VP1RT, VP1WS, VP1AM/2, VP1AM/1
Front: Left to Right: K8OHG, HH2P, K8NZD, W8NWO



The 2 element Hy-Gain tri-bander at 60' with mast and rotator secured to the hotel boiler room chimney.
4,500 contacts included 92 different DXCC enities were worked.


QSL from the estate of W3WGH / W3GH
Photos from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #162, April 7, 1962
Photos sent to magazine by K8OHG