XU1AA 1970's Cambodia

XU1AA was the first official call from Cambodia when the country came out of the darkness in the early 1970's.
There had been some earlier activity (including Don Miller, who may or may not have been there).
The call was held on behalf of the Technical University Radio Club in Phnom Penh, by a Cambodian national,
but there was little activity until F5IQ Jacques Cappez, a journalist working for French Television spent a couple of years there.
He was followed by HB9OP Ted Vogel, and one of his cards is attached.
They (and others) were authorized to use the XU1AA call.

HB9OP was known back in 1955 for operating as HE1OP (or HB1OP/HE) from Liechtenstein, which will have been a fairly rare spot at the time.
He joined AMSAT in 1973 and became deeply involved in AMSAT activities and was National Co-ordinator for Switzerland for more than ten years.
He became a silent key in 1986 after a motor accident in Switzerland.

The attached card is un-dated; it will have been given for an eyeball QSO to Pat Gowen G3IOR, one of the AMSAT-UK members.

G4UZN Collection