FQ-PM 1927 French Cameroun

QSL card sent to Barbara Dunn G6YL.
Started as a SWL in 1925.
Licensed in 1927 at EG6YL, Britian's first licensed YL.


[Photo: Edwin Cozzens' 1918 U.S. passport photo (U.S. National Archives and Records Aministration)]

Here is a brief life story about Edwin Cozzens, operator of FQ-PM and an attached copy of his 1918 U.S. passport photo. I believe he actually signed "PM".
FQ-PM (PM for "Presbyterian Mission")

Edwin Cozzens, the operator of FQ-PM in the late 1920s, was a Presbyterian missionary in West Africa. He served in Africa from 1914 to 1958 under the former Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. Most of his time was spent with educational matters and property matters.

When he first went to Africa in 1914, he was assigned to the Frank James Industrial School in Elat, Cameroun. At a later time he was superintendent of the Presbyterian Mission's elementary school system in Cameroun. During his last year in the field his residence was in Benito, Spanish Guinea, where he was active in Bible conference work and supervised construction and property affairs for the Presbyterian church. The Protestant University Edwin Cozzens in Elat, Cameroun is named in his honor.

Two of his wives, also missionaries, died in Cameroun, West Africa.

Cozzens was born November 23, 1888 in San Jose, California, attended local schools there, graduated from Stanford University and studied at the Bible College in San Francisco. He was employed as a Civil Engineer in the U. S. before going to West Africa. He served in Africa for 45 years, from 1914 to 1958. He retired from active missionary service in 1958 and returned to California where he died in 1969.

QSL K8CX Collection
Building photo courtesy of VA3DN
Passport photo + info courtesy of W5KNE