VE5AG 1934 Canada
Operator: Willard T. Young
Willard 5AG was one of the
founders of the Victoria Short Wave Club, later moving to
From there he went on a treasure hunting expedition to Cocos Island and operated as TI5FI to give a new country to many.
He had also been an operator at GSYX, and recently connected with
the TCA.
" It is with very much
regret that we learn of the death (in 1939), from double
pneumonia, of Willard T. Young, VE5AG.
He is survived by his wife, four-year-old daughter, his sister
and his mother "
QSL courtesy of W2VRK, Tnx G4UZN
Info from XTAL Magazine, Vol. 3, June 1939, Tnx G4UZN