Desecheo Island, North America

DX Zone 08, ITU Zone 11

If you have any cards from Desecheo Island that aren't listed below, please send them to K8CX for the Gallery.

| Ham Gallery Homepage | QSL Gallery Homepage | DXCC Countries Homepage |


AA4VK/KP5 1993 by W2CVM

HI3RST/KP5 1984 by N7ER

K3LP/KP5, N3KS/KP5 2005 by K8CX

K5D 2009 by DH5MM

KP2A/KP5 1989 by I0HUB

KP2A/KP5 1991 by K8CX

KP2A/KP5 1981 by F6AJA

KP4AM/D 1979 by W1EOA

KP5/N1DX 1992 by K8CX

N0TG/KP5 1992 by K8CX

NJ7D/KP5 1988 by W5KNE

NR5M/KP5 1985 by W9DX

W0DX 1978 by W8SU

W8KKF/WP5 1989 by K8CX

WD5BJT/KP5 1987 by K8MFO

WP4ATF/KP5 1984 by W9PEL


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All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.