WB8ABN/HC0 1974 Ecuador

Operating from the summit of Mt. Pichincha at 15,550 feet
Operator was Rick Dorsch, Jr. NE8Z / HC1MD

Here is the story behind the QSL.
My brother in law Diego took a tent to the 15000+ ft asl location.
We set up the white canvas tent under perfect conditions. We had a small generator with us. I set up the dipole and I was on the air. After dark the winds pounded us outside...and then the tent collapsed. The only heat we had was from a 100w light bulb. The canvas was smacking our backs. He slept and I kept operating in the laying down position until morning. I had to switch from SSB to CW because I was passing out from exhaling and not getting enough oxygen. The generator gas ran out at 4am and I was too cold to go outside to fill the tank again so I just went to sleep. We woke up at 7am...crawled outside to sunshine and no wind. We could see 4-5 snowcapped volcanos in the distance...fun night ! 73 Rick NE8Z

QSL from the estate of W3LTC, W2ESX
Info courtesy of NE8Z