G2DR 1927 England

Operator: Sydney R. Wright, 2DR, G2DR

With an early career in textiles (the family business) Sydney became a radio retailer in Bradford, and he joined the R.S.G.B. around 1922, participating in some of their experiments, including the reception of signals from a moving train in July 1924 that was covered in the R.S.G.B. magazine. He was later engaged by the Society to represent the membership in the North East. He had become an associate of the Institute of Radio Engineers (this is on the card).  He was in the Bradford Wireless Society, becoming Secretary and in the late 1920's became President. 
With his wife, Dorothy, he lived at 14 Bankfield Drive address (five minutes from where I live) until 1932. There used to be a medium-sized shed in the back garden. This was almost certainly where the 2DR transmitter was situated. Unfortunately, the shed was demolished about twenty years ago as it was lined with asbestos. He was active in a lot of DX tests such as the one mentioned on the card. However, in the mid-late 1930's, Wright reduced his activity with radio as he became heavily involved in hotel management. His hotel career continued until his death in 1944 from a severe case of pneumonia.

From the estate of G5UF
Courtesy of G3NDC
Info courtesy of Iain Baird
QSL sold to Iain Baird 12/2022