G5BD 1928 England


G5BD Arthur Simons, a Handiham, generating his own station power. Arthur became a silent key in 1958. Picture from How's DX a W9BRD column, via Rod's daughter Amanda Newkirk KD9HWE.

The caption read; Radio's rugged ranks in the 30's. Enlisted chaps like old G5BD who never sat around wringing his hands about contributions and counties lists or griped about slow factory service.  On a chrome-trimmed Superduper IV OM G5BD, with only one good arm couldn't wring his hands anyway and had bigger problems to lick like no AC mains and a 10 watt limit. Other things he had a-plenty were guts and that old ham spirit. So G5BD worked DX---and had a ball.


QSL from the estate of W2DP
Photo by W2GP
Article courtesy of W8SU