G5RK 1942 England

World War Two in Europe began 3 September 1939, and Victory in Europe day was 8 May 1945.
The U.S.A. joined in on 7 December 1941, due to Pearl Harbor.

So what did British amateurs do during the war with all those unused QSL cards? Radio activity of course was prohibited.
Well, at a time when "visiting cards" were still common, they used to exchange QSL cards during "Eyeball QSOs" as we call them.

This card is from G5RK in Kent (down South!) to  Signalman Peat (who was a Scottish amateur.
It shows the meeting location as " Farm Contact", is dated 1942, and the handwritten note at the bottom says " Lets have a QSO under peace conditions".

The photo which came with the card probably dates back a few years to before the outbreak of war.

G4UZN Collection