G6XN 1933 England

QSL card sent to Barbara Dunn G6YL.

G6XN Inventor of the Moxon Antenna

Leslie A. "Les" Moxon, G6XN, of Surrey, England, died March 3, 2004. He was 95 and among the oldest Amateur Radio operators in the UK. Licensed in 1928, Moxon was well-known among the amateur community for his writings on antennas, in particular his 1982 book HF Antennas for All Locations, now in its second edition. ARRL antenna specialist Dean Straw, N6BV, called Moxon a "radio pioneer" and said he'd been a fan of his work for years.

"His insights into the effects of terrain were one of the factors that got me interested years ago in this aspect of HF radio work," Straw said. During World War II Moxon was involved in top-secret work to develop radar. He worked for the government as a radio specialist after the war, retiring in 1969.

ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, said Moxon's book "set the standard for practical antenna books and remains a classic."

Moxon's son, David, recalls that his father's gardens grew antennas the way others grew plants and shrubs, and a new antenna design was always taking shape. "He always liked to live on the top of a hill--good for propagation of radio waves," he said. "And when moving to their final house in Hindhead, real estate agents were bemused to be asked about 'the long path to Australia.'"

Moxon authored a July 1952 QST article, "Two-Element Driven Arrays." Several other of his articles appeared during the 1970's and 1980's in Ham Radio magazine. "A 6 Meter Moxon Antenna" by Allen Baker, KG4JJH, is among the antenna articles featured in April 2004 QST.

In later years, Moxon developed an interest in theology, and he was not active on the air in the months prior to his death. A service was held March 10. Survivors include his wife Nancy and his son.

QSL Card from the estate of G6YL
K8CX Collection
Info from The ARRL Letter Vol. 23, No. 12 March 19, 2004.