ET3FMA 1968 Ethiopia

Operator: Don Murray K4FMA, now W4WJ


Picture of the operating position with me K4FMA, W4WJ doing some SSB.
SB-310 SB-401 Drake 2B Collins R388 Homebrew W9TO keyer Autronic Paddle...   NO AMP


Picture of the tower.  Hy-Gain Thunderbird TH3-Sr at 120 feet.
40 and 80m dipoles strung among the guy wires at 90 feet.

40 and 80 m slopers off the tower from 100 feet.


License good for one year, renewable. Cost for a Category 4 license, at 100 watts for one year was $40 ETH, or about $28 US.
The Category 4 license included stations established for tests, research, experiments and stations established by radio amateurs.


Maximum amateur power level is 100 watts.
An interesting set of regulations, that are quite acceptable. There certainly appears to have been some American influence in the generation of this pamphlet.

QSL K8CX Collection
Photos, Info, License courtesy of W4WJ