ETB 1935 Ethiopia

Ham Gallery shows FA8BAK from 1929, and ET8FA from 1934.
ET8FA, FA8BAK is Andre de Reffye, at the French Legation in Addis Ababa.
On his 1934 card he says that he is the only ham in the country.

Ham Gallery also shows
I7AA from 1938, an Italian operator.
The card gives no information as to operator, etc.

Short Wave Magazine ( on Internet Archive ) for September 1939 says that " he is not anxious to QSL G stations until our (British) Government recognize the Italian conquest of Ethiopia ".
The magazine also states that it would, in the next month's issue, show the QSL card, and give the under-cover address and other information.
The next month, unfortunately, would have been October 1939, but publication ceased with the September 1939 issue due to the outbreak of World War II.

The political history of Ethiopia was complex, and there is much on Wikipedia to read, if you are so inclined.
In the 1930's it was ruled by the Emperor Haile Selassie; Italy (under Mussolini ) wanted Ethiopia to be part of Italian East Africa ( with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland).

Attached is a scan of a broadcast QSL from ETB, Imperial Ethiopian Radio Station, for a test broadcast to the U.S.A., on 28th September 1935.
Five days later, on 3rd October 1935, the Italians invaded Ethiopia and started the Second Italo-Ethiopian war. This card, interestingly, made it out, and was sent to a listener in the U.K.

G4UZN Collection