8FDY 1930 France

F8FDY (or eF8FDY) was the unliss call used in 1930 by Regis Pomier.

Before he was F8LSK (unliss).
Regis was in 1930 military (grade: adjudant) in the French army and his affected in the "French army of Levant - 49th artillery' s regiment. Remenber after WW1, the "SDN- Société Des Nations"
give the administration of a part of the Ottoman territory: Syria, Liban, Djebel, Druze and Sandjac to the French administration (vote: december 1st 1929).

Regis was using in 1930 "F8FDY" with just a mention Syrie on the QSL and his adress in Syria and after he print his "AR8FDY" QSL.
The card of Juanlu is valided, but not for Syria, but for the "French Etats du Levant" = prefix AR8!

QSL EA5BM Collection
Info courtesy of F2VX