HARTS Hamfest 1955 or 1956: On left is John Roberts VS6CW, next is Arthur Lee, On right is American visitor from KG6, KR6 or HS1, standing unknown.

HARTS Hamfest 1955 or 1956: Standing is VS6BE Lyell and sitting unknown, Doc on right.

HARTS Hamfest 1955 or 1956: At end of table is Fung VS6CG and on his left sitting at table is VS6AE Pat with VS6CW to his left, others unidentified.

HARTS Hamfest 1955 or 1956: Facing center is VS6CW John Roberts and clockwise unknown, unknown, unknown then Aurther Lee, American Visitor, VS6AE Pat O,Brian, VS6BE Lyell Loutitt, Unknown, Unknown, Doc, VS6CL Jack Jeckway.

HARTS 1955 or 1956: Same group as above, different pose.

All photos courtesy of John Roberts VS6CW / VK4TL


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