W2AYN/EP 1960 Persia (Iran)

This card was sent to a young s.w.l. (now G4UZN) in 1960. I remember his voice, actually, from the rhythmic phonetics of "Khiaban Sepand" when he gave it over the air.

Benjamin Frank Borsody, W2AYN, "FB" in 1911, 2AYN in 1927, later K4EC. He was a member of OOTC. His OOTC record mentions that he was first active as a "Spark Operator" with the call letters "FB" in 1911. I suppose "FB" comes from his name "Benjamin Frank Borsody." It mentions his early activity with the AEF during WWII. He was born February 15, 1901 in Hungary. Came to the U.S. in 1907. He died March 6, 1988.

The reverse of the card states "first amateur radio station in Iran"; also 50 years transmitting (in 1960!); at the time of operation Commander Borsody was Telecomm Engineering consultant to Iranian National Police, Teheran.

QSL courtesy of G4UZN
Info courtesy of W5KNE