Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Africa

Only contacts made August 7, 1960, and after, count for this country.

DX Zone 35, ITU Zone 46

If you have any cards from Ivory Coast that aren't listed below, please send them to K8CX for the Gallery.

| Ham Gallery Homepage | QSL Gallery Homepage | DXCC Countries Homepage |


F5LPY/TU8 2004 by HL1AV

FF4AB 1960 by W8JIN

FF4AC 1961 by Patrick Rigg

FF4AL 1961 by W3EVW

FF4AL 1961 by W3EPR

TU1BS 1984 by G4UZN

TU2AE 1962 by G4UZN

TU2BC 1968 by G4UZN

TU2BK 1966 by OE1HGW

TU2BX 1975 by W8KTE

TU2CA 1967 by W4SKW

TU2CX 1970 by K4FAC

TU2EF 1975 by K3RU

TU2IJ 1982 by W4PFF

TU2JJ 1980 by W8SU

TU2JL 1981 by K8CX

TU2QQ 1987 by I0HUB

TU4BR 1986 by RA3AUM

TU4CO 1988 by I0HUB

TU4CQ 1988 by AH6HY

TU4SR 1992 by G0GKH

TU5KG 2004 by F4EFI

TU5PCT 2020 by AD4WX

TU5PCT 2022 by K8CX


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All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.