5A2TP 1956 Libya

There were lots of American ops in Libya in the 1950's; this card is interesting because it is headed " Libya's First S.S.B. station. The card is dated 1 December 1956.
I am not a technical type, but s.s.b. came into use on the hambands and elsewhere, mostly after the end of WWII.

Lots of short wave listeners, including me, discovered ham radio by listening on short wave radio on the domestic radio on twenty metres a.m.
That was great, but s.s.b. came along and you couldn't understand what the guys were saying any more.

Back in 1949, George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four was published.
It was there that he invented the expression "Duck Speak" which was quickly adapted by the radio community to describe the sound of s.s.b.

G4UZN Collection