LX3DX 1962 Luxembourg
The below photos were from the Antwerp DX Club's 1961 DXpedition to Luxembourg.
ON4IT operates LX3DX with the Antwerp CW DX Club.
Standing: ON4QX and his XYL
Sitting: XYL of ON4EX, ON4EX at the rig, ON4GK
Standing: ON4QX, ON4GK with
hammer, ON4QV with pipe
Seated: ON4NW
ON4NW signing LX3DX trys to work
ON4QX (in the same room) as a rare DX QSO!
Having some fun!
This sign was on the side of ON4NW's station wagon.
QSL from the estate of W8IZQ
Photos from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #150, December 1961