X3H 1934 Mexico

Operator: A.R. Arias G.

The card is sent to a ham (SM7XZ) that apparently heard X3H but could not establish a QSO. In those days hams often sent listener reports to other hams.
As often happens with QSL cards to SWLs no date is stated, but luckily both post office stamps on the back are clearly visible, May 19th, 1934.
Thanks to Google I found out that "Estación Radio XAM", mentioned on the QSL card, was a commercial shortwave station operating on 26 metres from Merida, Yucatan,
according to the newspaper "Kingston Gleaner" (Jamaica) of October 2, 1933.
On Remarks the operator Mr Arias has written: "Vy gld for ur rept om. Vy m tnx. I hope QSO".

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