VK9TW 1956 Nauru Island

A Danny Weil VP2VB YASME DXpedition

"The logistics were amazingly effective as Danny’s support team managed to ship a three-element tri-bander to Nauru. A local group helped Danny to hoist the 40-foot 2-in diameter pole at the base, while Danny worked above, at the top of the pole, being the brave type. All this took place under the supervision of Nauru’s commercial radio operator, Les Wright, VK9LW.
Nauru being a completely new country, Danny was overwhelmed by the pileup but stuck with it for a solid 14 hours (a day) using the callsign VK9TW, handing QSOs out as fast as he could. “When I tell you blokes I spent 14 hours a day on the rig it’s no lie,” he reported."

So Danny was a new one, but VK9LW and a VK9TW were already there?

QSL from the estate of W3EVW
Info courtesy of G4UZN (from the YASME site)