In April 1999, Bob W8SU wrote Wayne Green W2NSD to see if the 16MM video tapes that Wayne filmed from the KC4AF Navassa Is. DXpedition were still available.

The following letter from Wayne Green W2NSD (SK) is below:

Several years later, Tom K8CX also contacted Wayne Green about the Navassa films. At that time, Wayne told Tom that he left the film at CQ Magazine when he left the magazine. Tom, being friends with most of the current CQ staff, contacted them (W2VU, K2RED, K2MGA) and asked about the film. The staff at CQ Magazine looked everywhere they could and didn't find the film. Dick K2MGA, current publisher, told Tom that he distinctly remembers finding the film when he took over and definately mailed the film back to Wayne at that time...

Wayne Green W2NSD became a SK on Sept. 13, 2013 and the films will probably never be recovered.

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