ZL1AMO 1961 New Zealand

Operator: Ron Wright


ZL1AMO 1993 at his home station, visit by W5KNE
Bob was visiting Ron after his operation at VI9XN.

The following press release is from ZL2AL, Lee Jennings on 1/1/09.
During the past few months a group of Kiwi DXers have worked to set up The New Zealand DX Hall of Fame to honour those outstanding ZL DXers who have excelled in our radio sport hobby over many years. The panel of judges, Ken McCormack ZL1AIH, Duncan McMahon ZL3JT and Bill Carney ZL3NB have been nominated to the panel for three years.
Their first task was to draw up a long list of possibles from which the first three ZL DXers to be elected to the Hall of Fame were chosen. After much deliberation the judges were unanimous in their selection and have elected the first three ZL radio amateurs to the New Zealand DX Hall of Fame for 2009. They are Roy Jackson ZL4BO, Ron Wright ZL1AMO, and Jock White ZL2GX sk.

Ron Wright – ZL1AMO
The election of Ron as the 2nd inductee to the NZ DX Hall of Fame recognizes Ron's extraordinary and unselfish contribution to the sport of Amateur Radio DXing in New Zealand. Ron was also elected to the CQ DX Hall of Fame in 1972. His DXpedition exploits around the Pacific over many decades are legendary and he has enabled a generation of amateur radio operators worldwide to obtain that elusive new country. His personal achievement in the ARRL DXCC program is outstanding and his contribution to INDEXA and DXing internationally has been immense.
We wish Ron well in the future and hope that he will enjoy having the award plaque on his wall.

Ron Wright ZL1AMO became a SK on March 6, 2012. He was 75 years old.

QSL from the estate of K2GHM
Info from ZL2AL
SK info reported by W3UR
Photo courtesy of W5KNE