LA1K 1929 Norway

LA1K worked G5UF!


LA1K was an active club station, Akademisk radioklub, located at the 50 year old (in 1959) Technical University of Norway in Trondheim, Norway (above photo).
Some of the active members were LA5OG, LA5QG, LA6GF, LA7DF, LA7EF, LA7SG, LA7RG, LA8FE, LA8GE.
The club was active in most contests and made an average of 5000 QSO's a year.

First of all I'd like to say that it's amazing seeing one of our oldest QSL cards in your ham gallery.
But I do want to point out that we are in fact still a very active club station, and are still transmitting from Trondheim, over 90 years since we sent out that card.
If we are lucky and it wasn't lost during the german occupation of WW2, maybe we still have a card from
G5UF somewhere in our archives!
Also, in 1929 we actually moved from the Technical University of Norway, to the at that time just finish Student society building, also known as "Studentersamfundet".
It is a location just outside the picture and our home since 1929!


QSL from the estate of G5UF
Courtesy of G3NDC
Photo from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #85, September 16, 1959
Photo sent to magazine by W8IBX
Additional info & station photos courtesy of LB4FI