VS9AW 1952 Sultanate of Oman

Operator: H.J. "John" Wheeler

On 1952-08-05, VS9AW finally took to the air, and became the first amateur station ever to operate from the Sultanate of Oman (QTH RAF Salalah).
VS9AW closed down on 1953-01-26.

The VS9A prefix would normally have been used from the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. Indeed, G3GUK was based in Aden when he applied for his license, but, by the time the license was issued 18 months after the application was made, he had moved to Salalah.

Here's a clip from July 1953 SWM:
The former VS9AW is now G3GUK again, and sends us a nice photograph of the VS9 rig. In five months of operation out there he worked 103 countries, and during November, 1952, some Top Band tests brought the following results: Two-way QSO with VQ4 ; Signals received in VSI, VS7, MP4 and YI (all at S9 or S9 plus); Reports since received from G and from PY. This certainly put VS9 on the Top -Band map, and the aerial responsible for it was a twin " T," with 260 -ft. top and 80 -ft. open wire feeder. All this time, of course, VS9AW was situated in the Sultanate of Oman. with which country he gave hundreds of stations their first contact. G3GUK is not yet to be heard, owing to shortage of gear, but he will arrive sooner or later!

VS9AW (Aden Command) writes in person to confirm that his QTH is in Oman (not Trucial Oman), although he comes under Aden For licensing. John has been active on 14 mc. and plans to be active on 21 and 28 mc very soon. By August 24, has over 250 QSO's and worked more than 60 countries and promises to hand out as many contacts as possible. He will not listen within 10 kc of his own frequency.


QSL courtesy of ZS1AU
Info courtesy of
RSGB Bulletin May and July 1953, in a note by John Wheeler G3GUK
Tnx 5B4AHJ
Activity info Short Wave magazine October 1952, courtesy of G4UZN